Established 2003
By appointment only
Consultation available in ENGLISH & FRENCH
Travel can be exciting and rewarding
Don’t let your vacation be ruined by unnecessary illness while traveling abroad.
We offer the following travel medicine services:
Immunization, or vaccination, is the process of introducing a vaccine into the body to trigger the development of antibodies, which stay in your body and make you immune or resistant to the disease. Immunization is a safe and effective method for controlling and eliminating infectious disease, which is why vaccinations are required for travel to most countries. The Ancaster Travel Medicine Clinic can ensure that you receive the required and recommended vaccines, so that you stay healthy on your trip.
Yellow fever is a mosquito-borne disease that is found in the tropical areas of Africa and South America. There is no treatment for yellow fever but it can be prevented with a vaccine, which is why vaccination is recommended and, in some instances, required for travel to these regions. In Canada, the yellow fever vaccine is only available at travel medicine clinics that are designated by the Public Health Agency of Canada. The Ancaster Travel Medicine Clinic is one of the designated clinics.
If you are planning to travel with a group, whether for a school trip, business trip, missionary work or even a vacation with a group of friends or family, there is often a long checklist of travel health tasks to complete. The Ancaster Travel Medicine Clinic can help coordinate immunizations for the members of your group and provide information on how to prevent other diseases, illnesses and health issues you might encounter on your trip. We can even meet at a location that is convenient for your group.
* Certified Yellow Fever Clinic
Travelling with disability or a chronic illness, such as a diabetes, epilepsy, kidney disease, heart disease or inflammatory bowel disease, can be stressful –but it doesn’t have to be. The Ancaster Travel Medicine Clinic can provide consultation and medication to take some of the stress out of travelling with special needs. We can also offer consultation and support services for those that are elderly, pregnant, breastfeeding or travelling with children.
If you are planning to participate in either of the Islamic pilgrimages, known as Hajj and Umrah, you will need to take special precautions for your trip. The health requirements for these pilgrimages are published by the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health each year, to reflect changes in global health, but a meningococcal meningitis vaccine is required and seasonal influenza vaccination is recommended, due to the large crowds that gather at the pilgrimages. The Ancaster Travel Medicine Clinic can help ensure that you are prepared, so that you can focus on your pilgrimage.
For more information about these or any other travel medicine related services, please contact the clinic at 905-648-7408.

Did you know?
Some countries will deny you entry if you do not have the proper vaccinations.
Have you thought about the following potential hazards?
Click on each icon to learn more about the hazard
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are these services covered by OHIP?
How long before I travel do I need to get my shots?
Do children need the same vaccines as adults?

What should I bring with me to my appointment?
How do the services at this clinic differ from those at my family doctor?
How much will it cost to visit the clinic?
Travel Smart. Mouse-over each box to see the tips
Make sure your passport is up to date
Make sure you are properly vaccinated
Fill any prescription medications that you require
Let your bank know that you will be travelling
Take currency out from the bank
Check for travel warnings and advisories
Register your travel plans with your embassy
Purchase travel insurance for any activities you plan to take part in
Purchase a travel plan for your cell phone
Download apps that will help with travel, language and money conversion
Carry proof of vaccination
Bring original package and script for prescription medications
Carry copies of your passport, credit card, bank card, health card and insurance
Pack first aid supplies, such as bandages, gauze and ointment
Bring medication for pain, fever, cold, stomach and allergies as well as motion and altitude sickness medication, if needed
Bring sunscreen and sunburn relief as well as insect repellent and sting relief
Pack clothing for any possible weather conditions
Bring hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes
Eat cooked food, instead of fresh fruits and vegetables
Don’t drink or brush your teeth with unfiltered or untreated water
Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated
Be careful of swimming in contaminated water
Wear insect repellent and bug net clothing
Be cautious around animals, both wild and domestic
Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently
Use and inspect safety equipment
Drink in layers to be prepared for weather changes
Be aware of potential weather events
Let your doctor know if you feel unwell in any way after you return home
If you have been taking malaria medication, continue to take it for the full course
Check your bank and credit card statements for fraudulent charges
Wash your clothing, even if unworn
Check your luggage for insects
Cancel the travel plan on your cell phone
Take some melatonin and catch up on sleep
Drink lots of water and focus on eating healthy
Make any travel of health insurance claims as soon as possible
By appointment only
It is advisable to book an appointment at least 4–6 weeks before your trip

Monday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am – 7:00 pm

We require at least
24 hours notice for a cancellation
Be sure to let us know if you are a returning patient.
We DO NOT give travel medicine advice over the phone

Centrally located in the Village of Ancaster with convenient parking on site.
Suite 105
323 Wilson Street East
Ancaster ON L9G 4A8

This is an accessible facility